Help using our website
There are several ways you can use this website
There are several ways you can use this website
There are several ways to find information:
Most of our downloads are in PDF, Microsoft Word or Excel format. We always try to keep the download size under 5MB, but some may be larger.
We aim to make all downloads accessible. For more information, please read our accessibility statement.
Keyboard shortcuts are a useful and quick way of navigating through a site or page.
For most browsers, use your ‘Tab’ key to navigate forward through links (use Shift + Tab to go backwards), and ‘Enter’ to activate the link.
Many other keys can be used, and will vary depending on the browser and operating system you are using.
Most browsers will allow you to zoom in and out of the page. The most common way to do this is by using:
You can download software onto your device, which will allow you to hear the text on our site being spoken.
It is important that we know how useful you think our website is. If you think things could be improved, or have had any issues, please let us know by contacting